
International Tyrolean

Koasalauf unfortunately cancelled!

Dear Koasalauf and cross-country skiing enthusiasts!

We regret to inform you, that due to the lack of snow in the valley, the 50th Koasalauf, scheduled for February 10 and 11, in the St. Johann in Tirol region, unfortunately has to be cancelled. The weather forecast for the coming days and weeks predicts very little fresh snow in the valley, along with increased rainfall and warm temperatures. Under these conditions, it is not feasible to organize the Koasalauf with the quality standards you and we have come to expect. All paid entry fees will be automatically refunded in the coming days.

"It was not easy for us to cancel this year's Koasalauf - but it is not possible to hold it under the current snow conditions. However, the organizing team is fully motivated for next year and is already gathering ideas for the Koasalauf 2025!" says Walter Gapp, Race Director of the Koasalauf.

For any inquiries, please contact us at info@koasalauf.at!